Bed Cleaning

We provide an in-depth bed cleaning service. This allows us to collect dirty beds from any facility, while providing temporary replacements. The dirty bed is then deep-cleaned at our facility using a combination of ultrasonic cleaning technology and hot pressure washers. This removes all dirt, dust, grime and soiling from every crevice of the bed. Where required/requested, we can also treat the bed with a powerful anti-bacterial/anti-viral agent to deliver a sterilising clean.

Once cleaned the bed is then returned to your facility and the temporary replacements are taken away.

Hospital Bed Refurb Service

In many cases, we are asked to clean beds that have seen better days. For these instances we can provide a two-tier bed refurb service, that offers a clean and either a general touch-up or complete refurb as required. The details of this service is as follows:

1) General Bed Touch-up

Hospital Bed Cleaning

We provide an in-depth bed cleaning service. This allows us to collect dirty beds from any facility, while providing temporary replacements. The dirty bed is then deep-cleaned at our facility using a combination of ultrasonic cleaning technology and hot pressure washers. This removes all dirt, dust, grime and soiling from every crevice of the bed. Where required/requested, we can also treat the bed with a powerful anti-bacterial/anti-viral agent to deliver a sterilising clean.

Once cleaned the bed is then returned to your facility and the temporary replacements are taken away.

Hospital Bed Refurb Service

In many cases, we are asked to clean beds that have seen better days. For these instances we can provide a two-tier bed refurb service, that offers a clean and either a general touch-up or complete refurb as required. The details of this service is as follows:

1) General Bed Touch-up

  • Bed is given initial clean
  • Damaged areas are prepared and primed for new painting/coating
  • Damaged areas are then given final finish
  • Castors are re-lubricated
  • Plastic end-caps and other small parts are replaced as required*

2) Complete Bed Refurb

  • Bed is given initial clean
  • Bed then receives complete shot blasting to remove paint or powder coat layer
  • Base surface layer is then primed for new final layer
  • Final finish is applied
  • Castors are re-lubricated
  • Any faulty parts are replaced as required*

This service is also available for any metal-based items, large or small, such as bassinettes, cabinets, IV stands, trolleys, wheelchairs, commodes and bins.

* You will be informed of the cost of replacement of any required replacement parts and can confirm you wish to have the parts replaced before any remedial work is carried out.